
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scam : LR - PM ( DON'T FALL

This offer has being flying around in some forums as a money making program. It comes with topics like "How to make money with your libertyreserve acccount" etc. I didn't do research on the site (unlike me), before going in for it. It looked so real and unfortunately, I was scammed (first of its kind). Though I did it to have a prove of their functionality and confidence as they claim, before sharing it on this blog, but my $10 was gone. The post on forums goes like this:
6 EASY STEP TO MAKE UNLIMITED CASH WITH YOURLIBERTY RESERVE ACCOUNT AT ANY TIMEI call this method ONE DOLLAR CAN MAKE YOU THE RICHEST MAN ON EARTH!This is absolutely free, very easy all you need is an internet facilityand a pc.I have been using this system for some time now, I will be showing youhow to make unlimited cash with your liberty reserve account and aperfect money account. I will try to make it as brief as possible butclear, just like every other business your interest and seriousness counts stop procrastinating and make a move to life time financial success "The reward for hard work is success"THIS IS HOW IT WORKS 1. Open a liberty reserve account at (100% free) 2. Open a perfect money account at (100% free) 3. Fund your liberty reserve account with a minimum of $21, because oftransaction charges, actually you needed a minimum of $20.(Note: To fund or sell your liberty reserve, go to tosearch for an exchanger close to you.)4. Go to and exchange $20 from your libertyreserve account to your perfect money account.1 LR------>1.28 PM, so 20 LR------> 25.6 PM.5.Go to or, exchange 25.6 Perfectmoney to 22.02 liberty reserve.1 PM ----> 0.86 LR, so 25.6PM--->22.02 LR. You have gain $2.02 6.Repeat the exchange process from LR---->PM--->LR .You can always increase your capital, because the more money you exchange the faster u make your cash. I can make up to $500per day. Butthere is also no harm in starting small."The only place where success comes before work is the Dictionary."Disclaimer How much money you make depends on your capital and theamount of time you put into this venture, I am not in any way related or affiliated to any of the website mentioned above. Note: the higher money you exchange the higher your profit. GOOD LUCK
When you send the money to their LR acct from your LR acct, it will not be transfered to your PM account. Don't fall a victim - Be Wise.

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